The App is still in Beta! If you have any problem or feedback:
Become an Alpha-Tester:
Bu uygulama günlük duygu durumunuzu basit ve etkili bir şekilde kaydetmenize yardımcı olmak için geliştirilmiştir. Terapinizin aşamalarını doktor veya psikoterapistinizle birlikte bu uygulamada takip edebilirsiniz. Günlük aynı zamanda günlük aktivite ve rutinlerinizi planlarken de yardımcı olur.
One of the most important cognitive behavioral techniques is introspection, the observation of activities, thoughts and moods. It allows you and your therapist to gain a more objective overview of your ailments and to check possible causes of or changes to symptoms during the course of the day or week. You can, at the start of psychotherapy, develop an initial picture of the problems and think of starting points for behavioral changes together.
✔ Ideal for people with worries, panic or depression
✔ Never forget an entry with individual reminders
✔ Built-in calendar view and manage your entries
✔ Analysis of the entries with the interactive diagram
✔ Export entries as well as a backup function
✔ Free without adverts!
The App is still in Beta! If you have any problem or feedback:
Become an Alpha-Tester:
Bu uygulama günlük duygu durumunuzu basit ve etkili bir şekilde kaydetmenize yardımcı olmak için geliştirilmiştir. Terapinizin aşamalarını doktor veya psikoterapistinizle birlikte bu uygulamada takip edebilirsiniz. Günlük aynı zamanda günlük aktivite ve rutinlerinizi planlarken de yardımcı olur.
One of the most important cognitive behavioral techniques is introspection, the observation of activities, thoughts and moods. It allows you and your therapist to gain a more objective overview of your ailments and to check possible causes of or changes to symptoms during the course of the day or week. You can, at the start of psychotherapy, develop an initial picture of the problems and think of starting points for behavioral changes together.
✔ Ideal for people with worries, panic or depression
✔ Never forget an entry with individual reminders
✔ Built-in calendar view and manage your entries
✔ Analysis of the entries with the interactive diagram
✔ Export entries as well as a backup function
✔ Free without adverts!